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  1. Bem já vi que não és muito perito em policia e bombeiros.. Sim a sprinter que aí tens, é um veículo que pertence à PSP e usada pelo Grupo de Intervenção. Well I see that you aren't a knower of polie and emergency services Yes the sprinter that you have, is a vehicle of the PSP and use by the intervention group of police
  2. Não tens imagens para eu ver? Gostei muito da Sprinter do GI You don't have picture to see?
  3. What is the region there you are making the mod?
  4. Boa. Eu acho que o teu VUCI não está muito arredondado é a cor e isso .. porque não tentas fazer VUCI em Iveco Magirus? GOOD. But your VUCI is not perfect in colour and material....
  5. Just Love this MOD.... Awesome work.... CONGRATULATIONS
  6. As I said to a lot of people, "I will come back" and i'm back... I have see that a lot of new mods appear, and a good mod is on... Manhattan mod.. is awesome.... Good job... Now I will see the rest of them... Thanks
  7. I like your job. I have try a lot of months ago to do a protuguese mod, but my team let me down.. And in 2010 i have star a new York mod, but with the school i have to make a break.... Now i have time and i have some thinks that you may be like.... INEM...VUCI's, VSAT's e VLCI's...
  8. Yes the cab is mine. Don't worry, i don't want to take down your work, but i think that i have the right to have my name mentioned.... Kind regards.
  9. reply to the PM when you're back on emp :)

  10. Really. Can you Show me?? Apreciate pm me
  11. Thanks, more coming. Work on real objects on New York.
  12. Don't understand what do you mean when you say that you can manage to model!!!
  13. Hy. I think that we can talk about that. but yes PM me
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