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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2016 in all areas

  1. ...so I now have to come back here every day for the next month to check?!? Goddammit TACRfan XD On a more serious note, YAY! Great work TACR, I can't wait!
    3 points
  2. Killerconsti's Minimod 2.1 Features of Version 2.0 & 2.1 US equipment made by William Stableford (flares, road barrels, traffic cones) the possibility to land the SEK Helicopter without roping the crew first dynamic parking sites can be set ingame "Set Startup Parameter - Component" was added, which allow me to put the player's units allready at the map introduction of the placeable equipment better support of open houses- systems (like the one used at the police department at Berlin) an animateded brand new Swat unit (only available in the editor) a System was introduced which allow me to use Siren Sounds (still WIP) 2 new vehicles Layer speedy scaff The Minimod container is a .rar package. It is important to unpack it first. You may have a look at the Installation Instructions to set up this mod in the correct way. The second sheet (flyer) is about the stuff which was added (commands, vehicles, objects) Version 1.0 -1.2: mobile intensive care unit is available in Freeplay patrol cars can redirect traffic and follow gangsters additional engineer in the tech helicoper additional emergency doctor in the ambulance car you can turn units by holding right mouse button and relase it after >0,5 s ->Units will face the cursor Tankers got more equipment and have hose connectors (by Revyn112 http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2435-tankl%C3%B6schfahrzeug-equipment-modifikation-em5/) policeman can automaticly equip handcuffs when they hold no equipment TL reworked crane action speed increased get it here: http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2514-em5-minimod-3-3-februar-2017/ or https://www.dropbox.com/s/38q6p18wts5ez1l/[em5]killerconstis_minimod_3_3.rar?dl=0
    1 point
  3. Have you got Hamachi? If not both of you need to get hamachi then set up a private network, when you have set up the private network it should say your network IP at the top, note this down as you will need it at a later date, once you are on the server and have hamachi up and running launch Em4. Then once you and and your friend/friends have loaded up the mod you want to play one of you host the game, once one of you has set it up the other wants to go to join Direct IP and put in that Network IP that i said to copy earlier and it should work. I play multiplayer on this game a fair bit, my favourite mod for multiplayer is the bieberfelde.
    1 point
  4. Hello everyone, as we head into December I thought that I would update you on a few things, the mod is coming along well and is looking to meet the scheduled release date that I am looking for (I am not going to say when that is but rest assured that it is 2016). We have added new scripts, new vehicles, new peds and some new icons (some shown in my video of 1.2) but unfortunately the one thing we have not added is a brand new custom map, however I have been working on adding to the current map with new and updated areas, updated station locations and layouts and a lot of small details inside and out of buildings that you will have to find for yourself when playing the mod. I would like to apologise once more for the delays in releasing this mod, unfortunately due too real life commitments etc it has taken a long time to do what appears to be not that much compared to some other projects, It may not be as polished or have as many unique features as some other mods but rest assured that myself and the rest of the team have been working at the best of our abilities and in as much of our free time as possible to ring you this mod that I hope you will enjoy once it's released. Thank you to everyone who supports this mod and also special thanks to PottyScotty for helping me when I have had questions about modding in general and for allowing me to continue his project. I hope you enjoy this mod when it is released later this year and keep watching here for screenshots, gameplay and announcements for streams in the next few weeks. TACRfan
    1 point
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